As I walked out over London Bridge
One misty morning early
I overheard a fair pretty maid Was lamenting for her Geordie
O my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain
T'is not the chain of many
He was born of King's royal breed
And lost to a virtuous lady
Go bridle me,my milk white steed
Go bridle me,my pony
I will ride to London's court And to plead for the life of Geordie
O my Geordie never stole nor cow nor ealf
He never hurted any
Stole sixteen of the King's royal deer
add he sold them in Bohenny
Two pretry babies have I born The third lies in my body
I'd freely part with them everyone If you'd spare the life of Geordie
The judge looked over his left shoulder
He said:"Fair maid I'm sorry
Said:Fair maid you must be gone For I can not pardon Geordie
O my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain
T'is not the chain of many Stole sixteen of the King's royal deer
And he sold them in Bohenny
第一个见于17世纪早期的《苏格兰手卷》(《Straloch Manuscripts》)中一个名叫《God be wi' thee, Geordie》的故事。另外一个出处见于Buchan在1828年编写的《古民谣和歌曲》(《Ancient Ballads and Songs》)一个叫做《Gight's Lady》的故事中。在《苏格兰手卷》的故事中,Geordie拥有6个孩子(不是歌中的三个),他被指控偷了国王的6匹白色的马并且在Bohenny卖掉而被判绞刑。而根据Buchan的记载,Geordie在史上确有其人,全名是George Gordon of Gight(1512-1562),是詹姆斯四世一个私生女的儿子,并且拥有爵士封号。他由于“对领主Bignet之妻过于亲密”的罪名而被囚禁。Geordie的妻子Lady Ann赶到了爱丁堡请求法官宽恕她的丈夫,结果是,法官同意释放Geordie,不过前提是要他亲手杀掉自己的妻子,最终Lady Ann为了挽救丈夫的性命而选择死亡。