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[灌水] Don't Worry Be Happy(别担心,快乐点)

发表于 2009-8-16 23:48:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


Don't worry, be happy    by  Bobby Mcferrin

Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry,be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy

Ain't got no place to lay your head
Somebody came and took your bed
Don't worry,be happy
The landlord say your rent is late
He may have to litigate
Don't worry be happy
Look at me I'm happy
Don't worry,be happy
I give you my phone number
When your worried,call me
I make you happy
Don't worry,be happy

Ain't got no cash,ain't got no style
Ain't got no gal to make you smile
But don't worry,be happy
Cos when you worry,your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
So don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy now
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy now
Don't worry,be happy now
Don't worry,be happy now

Now there this song I wrote
I hope you learned it note for note
Like a good little children
Don't worry be happy
Listen to what I say
In your life expect some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry be happy
Be happy now
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,be happy
Don't worry,don't worry,don't do it
Be happy,put a smile on your face,
Don't bring everybody down like this
Don't worry,it will soon pass whatever it is
Don't worry,be happy
I'm not worried

      当电声乐器发展到饱和状态后,人们对木制原生乐器似乎多了几分持久的依恋,一场“why me 李宇春 unplugged ”(“不插电”音乐会)就是很好的明证。可是,如果音乐甚至连木制乐器都要舍弃,会是什么样子?聆听完本期的a cappella(“阿卡贝拉”无伴奏演唱),您肯定有了一番新的感受吧?

A cappella源于意大利语,原指“教堂风格的音乐”,而cappella的词根则可追溯到“chapel”(小教堂)。从教会音乐发展史而言,虽然有伴奏的合唱可追溯至中古时代,但教会的合唱大体上以无伴奏居多。


本期的a cappella首打曲目Don't worry, be happy(别担心,快乐点),是爵士乐“人声”即兴演奏大师Bobby Mcferrin鲍比·麦菲林最为著名的“无伴奏”歌曲。整首曲子的伴奏集响指、口哨、“人声模拟”小号及动感的嘟嘟呜呜声于一体,到最后,究竟哪是歌唱、哪是伴奏,让置身其中的您也一时很难辨认。


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