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[悲伤单曲]Jim Brannigan-Kilkelly, Ireland

发表于 2008-5-3 16:43:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p>歌曲背景:18世纪,爱尔兰饥荒不断,Kilkelly镇男孩,John Hunt离家去美国谋生计,但一去30年就再也没有回到故乡。后来,他的后代发现了他父亲在这30年中写给他的信件。John Hunt的曾孙Peter Jones在感动之余,用信的内容作歌词,传下了令人感动的佳作Kilkelly, Ireland。</p><p><br/>&nbsp;</p>
 楼主| 发表于 2008-5-3 16:44:30 | 只看该作者
<span id="post2" style="FONT-SIZE: 15px; COLOR: #000000;">歌词:<br/><br/>Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and sixty,<br/>爱尔兰 Kilkelly镇。1860年。<br/>my dear and lovin' son John<br/>我亲爱的儿子约翰:<br/>你的好朋友Pat McNamara校长,<br/>Your good friend the Schoolmaster Pat McNamara,<br/>so good as to write these words down.<br/>他好心帮我写了这封信。<br/>Your brothers have all gone to find work in England,<br/>你的兄弟都去英格兰找工作了,<br/>现在,屋子空荡荡的,让人神伤。<br/>the house is so empty and sad,<br/>地里的土豆遭受很强的虫害袭击,<br/>The crop of potatoes is sorely affected,<br/>a third to a half of them bad.<br/>三分之一甚至一半都坏掉了。<br/>And your sister Bridget and Patrick O'Donnell,<br/>are goin' to be married in June,<br/>你的妹妹Bridget 将于六月份和Patrick O'Donnell结婚。<br/>Your mother says not to work on the railway,<br/>你的妈妈说不久就不再去铁路上上班了,<br/>and be sure to come on home soon<br/>她确信这次真的是要待家里了。<br/>Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and seventy,<br/>爱尔兰 Kilkelly镇。1870年。<br/>my dear and lovin' son John<br/>我亲爱的儿子约翰:<br/>h#llo to your missus and to your four children,<br/>向你的妻子和四个孩子问好,<br/>that they may grow healthy and strong<br/>祝愿他们健康,祝愿他们壮实。<br/>Michael has got in a wee bit of trouble,<br/>Michael(约翰的兄弟)有点小小的麻烦,<br/>我想他没有从以前的经验中汲取教训。<br/>I suppose he never will learn<br/>Because of the dampness there's no turf to<br/>speak of and now we have nothing to burn.<br/>因为气候太潮湿的缘故,这里没了干草,<br/>现在我们没得可烧的东西了。<br/>And Bridget is happy you named the child for her,<br/>Bridget很高兴你给她的孩子取名,<br/>尽管她已经有了六个孩子。<br/>although she's got six of her own<br/>你说你刚找到一份工作,<br/>You say you've found work,<br/>但是没说是什么样的工作,<br/>but you don't say what kind,<br/>也没说你什么时候回家。<br/>or when you'll be comin' home<br/>Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and eighty,<br/>爱尔兰 Kilkelly镇。1880年。<br/>我亲爱的儿子约翰:<br/>dear Michael and John my sons<br/>我很抱歉要告诉你一个非常悲伤的消息,<br/>I'm sorry to give you the very sad news<br/>that your dear old mother has gone.<br/>你亲爱的妈妈走了。<br/>We buried her down at the church in Kilkelly,<br/>我们把她葬在了Kilkelly镇的教堂边,<br/>your brothers and Bridget were there,<br/>你的兄弟们和Bridget那天都在。<br/>You don't have to worry, she died very quickly,<br/>你不要太忧虑,她走得很快,<br/>你做祷告的时候不要忘记妈妈。<br/>remember her in your prayers.<br/>还有一件想必你听了高兴的事,<br/>And it's so good to hear that Michael's returning<br/>Michael挣了一些钱回来了,<br/>with money he's sure to buy land<br/>而且真的买了一块地。<br/>For the crop has been poor and the people are selling,<br/>因为地里的收成实在糟糕,人们都在卖地,<br/>for any price that they can<br/>只要给点底钱,他们几乎都会卖。<br/>爱尔兰 Kilkelly镇。1890年。<br/>Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and ninety,<br/>我亲爱的儿子约翰:<br/>my dear and lovin' son John<br/>我马上就要八十岁了,<br/>I suppose that I must be close on eighty,<br/>而你已经走了整整三十年。<br/>it's thirty years since you've gone<br/>正是因为你寄来的所有的钱,<br/>Because of all of the money you sent me,<br/>I'm still living' out of my own<br/>我才能活到这个年龄,几乎超出了我的命数。<br/>Michael has built himself a fine house,<br/>Michael已经给自己盖了所很好的房子,<br/>Bridget的小妮子们长得都很喜人。<br/>and Bridget's daughters have grown<br/>And thank you for sendin' your family picture,<br/>谢谢吾儿你寄来的你的全家福,<br/>they're lovely young women and men<br/>他们是些非常可爱的年轻男女。<br/>You say you might even come for a visit,<br/>你说你甚至有可能回来看望我们,<br/>what a joy to see you again<br/>能再次见到你,这是多么让人高兴的事。<br/>Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and ninety two,<br/>爱尔兰 Kilkelly镇。1892年。<br/>my dear brother John,<br/>我亲爱的兄弟约翰:<br/>抱歉我没有及时写信给你,<br/>I'm sorry I didn't write sooner,<br/>告诉你父亲去世的事。<br/>to tell you that father has gone.<br/>He was living with Brigid, she said he was<br/>他一直和Brigid生活在一起,<br/>cheerful and healthy right down to the end<br/>她说,父亲愉快而健康,直到寿终正寝。<br/>And you should have seen him play with the grandchildren,<br/>而且,你真应该看看他和你的朋友<br/>Pat McNamara的孙辈们玩耍时的样子。<br/>of Pat McNamara your friend.<br/>我们把他葬在了妈妈旁边,<br/>And we buried him alongside of mother,<br/>down at Kilkelly churchyard<br/>就是在咱们Kilkelly镇教堂的墓地里。<br/>He was a strong and a feisty old man,<br/>他是个很坚强的倔老头,<br/>因为生活是如此的艰辛。<br/>considering that life is so hard.<br/>And it's funny the way he kept talkin' about you,<br/>他总是提起你,而他提起你的时候总是很有趣,<br/>he called for you at the end<br/>临走的时候还在叫你的名字。<br/>And why don't you think about comin' to visit,<br/>为什么不考虑一下回来看看我们,<br/>我们都真心盼着再见到你。<br/>we'd all love to see you again<br/><br/></span>
发表于 2008-5-3 17:09:44 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-5-4 00:16:08 | 只看该作者
<p><strong><font face="楷体_GB2312" color="#008800" size="5">故事很不错,努力在旋律中找寻共鸣,发现需要发呆的时候,才听出味道来</font></strong></p>

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