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[转帖] Golden Key -Isgaard

发表于 2009-6-22 18:47:21 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 风铃 于 2009-6-22 18:51 编辑

Golden Key -Isgaard
I had a dream where I found a golden key
saved all the poor and set the children free
broke every chain and I could even fly
I soard up in the sky
I want to know where to find this golden key
high on the mountain or deep down in the sea
they said all roads come together one day
but where I find my own way
so listen to your soul
the way to reach your goal
it's written deep inside
just turst your inner god
so overcome your fear
You'll find your treasure here
Don't search in foreign lands
you've got it in your hand
you can be a hero  
it's more than a mystery
power of courage can make the darkness flee
Desert will know where the water vein has gone
And I am travelling on
so listen to your soul
the way to reach your goal
it's written deep inside
just turst your inner god
so overcome your fear
and find your treasure here
Don't search in foreign lands
you've got it in your hand
so listen to your soul
the way to reach your goal
it's written deep inside
just turst your inner god
so overcome your fear
and find your treasure here
Don't search in foreign lands
you've got it in your heart
伊思嘉生于1972年,来自于德国北部的石勒苏益格—荷尔斯泰因州的胡苏姆(Husum)。“ISGAARD”“伊思嘉”是她的父母帮她取的名字,像极了冰岛人才会取的,意思是“雪花妆点的花园”(Ice Garden),而这个名字跟她的音乐所呈现出辽阔的空间感,不谋而合。接受过正统歌剧训练的她,造就了独树一帜的绝美唱腔,现在的“伊思嘉”,左手把持着古典乐的高雅华丽,右手流贯着流行乐的亲切宜人,以实力清亮女高音,演唱着雅俗共赏的优质流行音乐。  
  伊思嘉从小便在唱诗班磨练,深受「西城故事」及「窈窕淑女」等著名音乐剧的影响,在攻读广告学位时,更在男朋友的摇滚乐团中担任主唱,但这只是她音乐生命的开始,后来她到慕尼黑学习正统声乐,在老师的推荐下,她很快进入汉堡歌唱学院进修,同时,她清亮如水晶般的嗓音,很快地引起许多音乐制作人的瞩目-伊思嘉可以唱三个高八度音而无闪失,花腔女高音的名声,从此不胫而走。在唱完 Queen Of The Night( 夜后-歌剧魔笛中一角 ) 之后,她不想再整天陪伴着莫札特、威而第与普契尼玩耍,力求突破的「伊思嘉」,在 2001 年应邀为德国电音舞曲天团 Schiller 的两首电音天籁“ Ein schoner Tag ”及“ Dream of You ”中,贡献了她晶莹剔透的美声,绝美女花腔与迷幻电音的交融,让该乐团一举登上德国专辑榜的冠军,更在隔年拿下相当于是德国葛莱美的 Echo 大奖,引起流行乐迷高度重视这个新诞生的实力女声。
发表于 2009-6-23 13:08:46 | 只看该作者

发表于 2009-6-23 14:43:20 | 只看该作者
发表于 2009-6-23 14:50:37 | 只看该作者

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