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Forever Young童声版

发表于 2007-9-12 17:28:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p><u><font color="#0000ff">原唱:Alphaville&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 这个版本是儿童翻唱的!~</font></u></p><p>Alphaville(阿尔发村合唱团),一支因电子合成乐而风靡于上个世纪80年代的电子音乐组合。乐队的得名来自于一部由法国电影导演Jean Luc Godard(让·吕克·戈达尔)执导的影片“Alphaville”(《阿尔伐城》),该片1965年获柏城影展“金熊奖”。<br/></p><div class="TxExDt" align="left"><span style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt;">阿尔发村合唱团于1982 年成立于西德,除了怦然动感的节拍,其以电子合成乐而营造出的梦幻、伤感以及华丽的艺术气质曾另一代人迷恋不已。首张专辑“Forever young”发行于1984年,专辑中颇受好评的经典曲目如:专辑同名主打歌曲“Forever young”,代表该乐队动感节奏风格的“Big in Japan”,以及充满怀旧色调的“Summer in Berlin”。</span></div><p>歌词大意:</p><p align="center">Let's dance in style, 起舞吧<br/>Let's dance for a while&nbsp; 先跳一小会儿<br/>Heaven can wait, 天堂 再说吧<br/>We're only watching the skies 我们就看着天吧 <br/>Hoping for the best 祈祷最好<br/>But expecting the worst 准备最糟<br/>Are you going to drop the bomb or not???? 可以投下炸弹了么 </p><p align="center">Let us die young or let us live forever 让我们死于青春或永存不朽<br/>We don't have the power 没有伟大势力<br/>But we never say never 只有无限可能<br/>Sitting in a sandpit, 旁观着<br/>Life is a short trip&nbsp; 生命短短旅行<br/>The music's for the sad men 这首歌唱给伤心人听(此曲为哀者吟)</p><p align="center">Can you imagine when this race is won?? 想过何时冲线吗??<br/>Turn our golden faces into the sun 金黄脸庞迎向阳光<br/>Praising our leaders, 歌颂指引者<br/>We're getting in tune&nbsp; 边唱边和<br/>The music's played by the madmen 这首歌让痴狂者来唱(此曲为痴者唱)</p><p align="center">Forever young, I want to be forever young <br/>Do you really want to live forever<br/>Forever -- and ever</p><p align="center">Some are like water 就像水流<br/>Some are like the heat 就像高温<br/>Some are a melody and some are the beat 就像音乐 就像律动 <br/>Sooner or later, they all will be gone 快进 慢进 流逝的终将流逝<br/>Why don't they stay young? 为什么不可以暂停在青春里</p><p align="center">It's so hard to get old without a cause 快给我一个好理由<br/>I don't want to perish like a fading horse 我可不要变成老掉毛的破马<br/>Youth's like diamonds in the sun 青春是阳光中的钻石<br/>And diamonds are forever&nbsp; 钻石啊恒久远</p><p align="center">So many adventures couldn't happen today 太多探不完的险<br/>So many songs we forgot to play 太多唱不完的歌<br/>So many dreams swinging out of the blue 太多飘忽不定的梦想<br/>We'll let them come true&nbsp; 梦想即将实现<br/></p><p align="center">&nbsp;</p>
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-12 17:30:52 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-9-13 00:08:26 | 只看该作者

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