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[分享]Don't Cry Joni〈琼尼别哭〉

发表于 2007-10-26 12:42:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<span class="bold">Don't Cry Joni〈琼尼别哭〉↓乡村音乐</span><br/><br/><div class="t_msgfont" id="message1148152"><font face="Courier "><font size="4"><font color="#3300ff"><strong>Conway Twitty康威崔提(真名:Harold Lloyd Jenkins) <br/>和他的女儿 Joni Lee 琼妮李<br/>1975年合唱的代表作品《Don't Cry Joni琼妮别哭》<br/>短短的一首歌<br/>叙述出一个平凡真实的故事:</strong><font face="Garamond" size="3">一个22岁的男孩与邻家小他7岁的女孩几乎两小无猜地住了十几年,一天当懵懂的女孩向他表白心迹后,他自以为是地用臆想的“现实”拒绝了她,绝望的泪水霎时便淹没了纯情的天真女孩。而在男孩背起行囊离开家乡,希望努力打拼安顿下来的时候,才从落寞中猛然省到自己的真爱所从,原来就是邻家那个不起眼的小女孩。离家五年,归心似箭,一张机票,故乡依然。</font><br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <div><strong><font size="3"><font face="Garamond">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 终于见到魂牵梦萦的女孩,但曾经说给女孩的话,却倒成了女孩劝慰自己的感伤,浴于泪海的,是男孩人生永远的遗憾</font>~~~</font></strong></div></font></font></font><br/><i><font face="黑体 "><font size="3"><font color="#046304">(Joni)<br/>Jimmy please say you’ll wait for me<br/>吉米请说你会等我<br/>I’ll grow up someday you’ll see<br/>我会长大让你注目<br/>Saving all my kisses just for you<br/>为你保留所有的吻<br/>Signed with love<br/>那是爱的记号<br/>forever true<br/>永无虚假<br/><br/>(Jimmy)<br/>Joni was the girl who lived next door<br/>琼尼是个邻家女孩<br/>I’ve known her I guess 10 years or more<br/>我认识她十年有余<br/>Joni wrote me a note one day<br/>有一天她写了信给我<br/>And this is what she had to say<br/>那是她发自内心的表<br/><br/>(Joni)<br/>Jimmy please say you’ll wait for me<br/>吉米请说你会等我<br/>I’ll grow up someday you’ll see<br/>我会长大让你注目<br/>Saving all my kisses just for you<br/>为你保留所有的吻<br/>Signed with love<br/>那是爱的记号<br/>forever true<br/>永无虚假<br/><br/>(Jimmy)<br/>Slowly I read her note once more<br/>我把她的信读了又读<br/>Then I went over to the house next door<br/>然后来到她的家里<br/>Her tear drops fell like rain that day<br/>那天她泪落如雨<br/>When I told Joni what I had to say<br/>当我说了不得不说的话 <br/><br/>(Jimmy) <br/>Joni, Joni please don’t cry<br/>琼尼,琼尼,请你别哭<br/>You’ll forget me by and by<br/>你会慢慢将我遗忘<br/>You’re just fifteen<br/>你才十五岁<br/>I’m twenty two<br/>我已二十二<br/>And Joni I just cant wait for you<br/>我想我真的不能等你<br/>(Jimmy)<br/>Soon I left our little home town<br/>后来我离开那小小的城镇<br/>Got me a job and tried to settle down<br/>找了份工作,安定下来<br/>But these words kept haunting my memory<br/>但是那些话总在耳边回响<br/>The words that Joni said to me<br/>那些琼尼说过的话 <br/><br/>(Joni)<br/>Jimmy please say you’ll wait for me<br/>吉米请说你会等我<br/>I’ll grow up someday you’ll see<br/>我会长大让你注目<br/>Saving all my kisses just for you<br/>为你保留所有的吻<br/>Signed with love<br/>那是爱的记号<br/>forever true<br/>永无虚假 <br/><br/>(Jimmy)<br/>I packed my clothes<br/>我收拾了行李<br/>And I caught a plane<br/>买了一张机票<br/>I had to see Joni<br/>我要看到她<br/>I had to explain<br/>对她说<br/>How my heart was filled<br/>在我心中<br/>With her memory<br/>全都是她<br/>And ask my Joni if she’d marry me<br/>我要琼尼做我的新娘 <br/><br/>(Jimmy)<br/>I ran all the way<br/>我跑啊跑<br/>To the house next door<br/>来到她的家里<br/>But things weren’t like they were before<br/>但是一切已改变<br/>My tear drops fell like rain that day<br/>我泪落如雨<br/>When I heard what Joni had to say<br/>当我听见她不得不说的话<br/><br/>(Joni)<br/>Jimmy, Jimmy please don’t cry<br/>吉米,吉米,请你别哭<br/>You’ll forget me by and by<br/>你会慢慢将我遗忘<br/>It’s been five years since you’ve been gone<br/>从你离开到现在已经五年<br/>Jimmy I married your best friend John<br/>我嫁给了你最好的朋友,约翰</font></font></font></i><br/></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-26 12:48:13编辑过]

发表于 2007-10-28 22:15:37 | 只看该作者

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